中国组织工程研究 ›› 2013, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (30): 5483-5489.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.2095-4344.2013.30.011

• 数字化骨科 digital orthopedics • 上一篇    下一篇


李  峰1,吴  华2   

  1. 1湖北省中医院骨伤科,湖北省武汉市  430074
    2湖北武汉同济医院,湖北省武汉市  430030
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-19 修回日期:2013-04-24 出版日期:2013-07-23 发布日期:2013-07-23
  • 作者简介:李峰☆,男,1974年生,湖北省潜江市人,汉族, 2009年华中科技大学同济医学院毕业,博士,副主任医师,主要从事脊柱方面的研究。

Precise mechanical analysis on the femoral three-dimensional finite element model constructed based on DICOM data

Li Feng1, Wu Hua2   

  1. 1Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan  430074, Hubei Province, China
    2Tongji Hospital of Wuhan, Wuhan  430030, Hubei Province, China
  • Received:2013-04-19 Revised:2013-04-24 Online:2013-07-23 Published:2013-07-23
  • About author:Li Feng☆, M.D., Associate chief physician, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Wuhan 430074, Hubei Province, China


方法:选择标准成年男性志愿者行股骨CT扫描成像,得到股骨每层横截面图像,应用DICOM数据和MIMICS软件行三维重建,结合有限元分析软件ABQUS 6.8构建股骨三维有限元模型,并分析股骨模型载荷状态下的应力分布。
结果与结论:结果显示,基于DICOM数据建立的股骨三维有限元模型,划分网格后形成38 636个节点,201 422个单元,其中包括股骨松质骨体网格模型与皮质骨体网格模型。有限元分析结果与以往的实验数据一致性较好,能够客观实际地反映股骨真实解剖形态和生物力学行为,分析精度较高。提示运用Mimics软件提供了简单有效的建模方法,极大程度上提高了建模效率,基于DICOM数据的三维有限元模型几何形状较准确,可以为股骨正常力学行为研究提供精确模型。利用ABQUS 6.8分析得到的应力分布情况与临床观察一致。

关键词: 骨关节植入物, 数字化骨科, 股骨, 三维有限元, DICOM, MIMICS, ABQUS 6.8, 应力, 生物力学


BACKGROUND: The finite element model has been developed from two-dimensional model to three-dimensional model, from linear model to nonlinear model. As the advantage of this method in the analysis of mechanical characteristics of the irregular objects, the finite element model has been widely used in the research of orthopedic biomechanics, especially in the research of hip joint. 
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the stress state of human femur with finite element analysis method and to investigate a method that can rapidly construct femoral finite element model and precisely analyze the biomechanics.
METHODS: Normal male femur was used as specimen for CT scan to obtain cross-sectional images of femur in each slice. Three-dimensional reconstruction was performed with DICOM data and MIMICS software, then the femoral three-dimensional finite element model was established with the finite element analysis ABQUS 6.8 software, and the stress distribution of the model was analyzed under loading condition.
RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Based on DICOM data, three-dimensional finite element model of femur was constructed more quickly and precisely. The models were divided into 38 636 nodes and 201 422 units. The model included the parts of cortical and cancellous bone. The biomechanical test results were accorded with the previous results, so the model could objectively reflect the real femur shape and biomechanical behavior with high precision. The Mimics software provided a simpler and effective method for the construction of femur model and improved the efficiency of modeling, and the three-dimensional finite element model based on DICOM data was accurate in shape and can be used for the normal research on biomechanical behavior of femur. The stress distribution analyzed with ABQUS 6.8 software is consistent with the clinical observation.

Key words: bone and joint implants, digital orthopedics, femur, three-dimensional finite element, DICOM, MIMICS, ABQUS 6.8, stress, biomechanics
